MEDEEVAN GRANDEUR LIMITED places the highest priority on health, safety and total well-being of her employees, subcontractors and contractual partners, in addition to the people who are affected by our sphere of operations.
MEDEEVAN GRANDEUR LIMITED in no distant time intend to institute a comprehensive Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management system to ensure full compliance with HSE policies hereby allowing employees receive Corporate HSE inductions and regular refresher trainings as time goes by.
We continually provide occupational health and hygiene programs, as well as a list of best practices for work tasks, we adhere to strict instructions and have zero tolerance approach to health and safety, this has proved to be one of the company’s greatest strengths.
Medeevan engineers encourage the use of standard materials and state-of-the art energy efficient designs as well as the Oil and Gas sector, we operate under the strictest of conditions and controls for international oil and gas consortiums, we continually make adjustment to our operating processes to consistently meet specialized HSE standards.
HSE principles are incorporated into processes at a very early stage of the project phase, thereby ensuring superior implementation through proper and continual training